SurveyUSA Regional Breakdowns for state of Minnesota
Twin Cities Area Southern MN Western MN Northeast MN
1 Anoka 1 Blue Earth 1 Becker 1 Aitkin
2 Carver 2 Brown 2 Big Stone 2 Beltrami
3 Dakota 3 Cottonwood 3 Chippewa 3 Benton
4 Hennepin 4 Dodge 4 Clay 4 Carlton
5 Ramsey 5 Faribault 5 Clearwater 5 Cass
6 Scott 6 Fillmore 6 Douglas 6 Chisago
7 Sherburne 7 Freeborn 7 Grant 7 Cook
8 Washington 8 Goodhue 8 Kandiyohi 8 Crow Wing
9 Wright 9 Houston 9 Kittson 9 Hubbard
10 Jackson 10 Lac qui Parle 10 Isanti
11 Le Sueur 11 Lake of the Woods 11 Itasca
12 Martin 12 Lincoln 12 Kanabec
13 Mower 13 Lyon 13 Koochiching
14 Murray 14 Mahnomen 14 Lake
15 Nobles 15 Marshall 15 Mille Lacs
16 Olmsted 16 McLeod 16 Morrison
17 Pipestone 17 Meeker 17 Pine
18 Rice 18 Nicollet 18 St. Louis
19 Rock 19 Norman 19 Wadena
20 Steele 20 Otter Tail
21 Wabasha 21 Pennington
22 Waseca 22 Polk
23 Watonwan 23 Pope
24 Winona 24 Red Lake
25 Redwood
26 Renville
27 Roseau
28 Sibley
29 Stearns
30 Stevens
31 Swift
32 Todd
33 Traverse
34 Wilkin
35 Yellow Medicine